The Remington Think Tank Strategy Institute’s market intelligence and trend analysis empowers leadership to grow with clarity

The Think Tank Strategy Institute empowers leadership to grow with clarity based on strategic market intelligence, payment and policy, and the expansion of care in the home.

Our decades of executive education programs to over 10,000 organizations represents home care, ACOs, hospitals, health systems, physicians, and Managed Care Advantage. Market intelligence and research examines a comprehensive understanding of the intricate market forces and trends driving new growth opportunities, the external and internal changes affecting your referrals to help you build stronger relationships, and new business and clinical opportunities to expand growth and align with your referrals.

Workshops You Don’t Want to Miss

Two information-packed online workshops will guide you in identifying avenues for outcome-based relationship building, what is changing to support these relationships, and solutions to enhance collaboration between physicians, specialists, and home care including home health, hospice, palliative care, private duty, and in-home care providers with physicians and specialists.

Strategy Workshop #1

Physicians and Home Care Providers: Outcome-Based Relationships To Grow Referrals

Live on October 24, 2024

3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Central
Noon to 1 p.m. Pacific

Available to listen to on demand if you miss the live workshop.

Physician payment incentives, higher acuity patients, new care management models, payment incentives, and more care models moving into the home are reasons for outcome-based relationships between home care providers and physicians.

The focus on improving patient outcomes, managing the patient’s care journey, seamless care transitions, and increasing patient satisfaction and experience are critical to patient-centered care, improving chronic care, reducing readmissions, and optimizing resource utilization.

In this strategy workshop, you will learn 10 solutions for forging outcome-based relationships and ways to build deeper relationships with physicians.

  1. New paradigm shifts creating outcome-based relationships between physician and home care providers.
  2. 6 key strategies and benefits of establishing outcome-based relationships.
  3. 7 ways to expand care transitions programs.
  4. Opportunities for team-based clinical programs between home care and
  5. 5 outcome-based relationships to manage social determinants.
  6. Outcome-based relationships to address chronic care management.
  7. Opportunities to reduce readmissions.
  8. Overcoming barriers to outcome-based relationships.
  9. 7 outcome-based metrics for successful partnerships.
  10. The business case for building relationships with physicians.


  • Early-Bird Through October 17: $375.00
  • After October 17: $412.50
  • Purchase both workshops and receive 10% off: Use coupon code STRATEGYWS at checkout

Registration includes enrollment for up to 10 people. Must be enrolled to attend. Business email required for each enrollee.

Strategy Workshop #2

Specialists and Home Care Providers: Outcome-Based Relationships To Grow Referrals

Live on November 14, 2024

3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Central
Noon to 1 p.m. Pacific

Available to listen to on demand if you miss the live workshop.

New paradigm shifts, site of care changes, bundled payment initiatives, and higher acuity management in the home are closely linking specialists to home care outcomes.

Outcome-based relationships between specialists and home care providers have an opportunity to create better care planning to manage the patient’s care journey, decrease readmissions, and reduce the cost of care.

In this strategy workshop, you will learn 10 key ways to enhance outcome-based relationships and ways to strengthen those relationships.

  1. New paradigm and payment shifts creating outcome-based relationships and care in the home models between specialists and home care providers.
  2. Key strategies for and benefits of establishing outcome-based relationships.
  3. Team-based clinical programs that are important to outcome-based relationships with specialists.
  4. Strategies to improve coordinated care planning pre-discharge.
  5. Outcome-based relationships to reduce readmissions.
  6. Opportunities to align care planning, discharge planning, and outcomes.
  7. Outcome-based relationships that create seamless care transitions.
  8. Overcoming barriers to outcome-based relationships.
  9. Identifying outcome-based metrics for successful partnerships.
  10. How to create compelling value propositions to build relationships with


  • Early-Bird Through November 7: $375.00
  • After November 7: $412.50
  • Purchase both workshops and receive 10% off: Use coupon code STRATEGYWS at checkout

Registration includes enrollment for up to 10 people. Must be enrolled to attend. Business email required for each enrollee.