growth, Referral PArtnership Development, and Performance Improvement Opportunities

Leadership Empowerment to Grow With Clarity and Create New Referral Opportunities

For decades, we’ve been leaders in identifying critical growth strategies, referral relationship building and partnership development, and identifying performance improvement areas. We are skilled in working in unsteady, unsettled, complex, and ambiguous environments.

Remington’s Think Tank Strategy Institute analyzes a wide range of strategic market intelligence from across the healthcare delivery system to pinpoint paradigm shifts and growth opportunities to ready your organization for today and the future. Our executive education programs have successfully empowered over 10,000 organizations, including those in the home care sector, ACOs, hospitals, health systems, physicians, and Managed Care Advantage Plans. We build relationships to foster effective collaboration.

Since 1993, The Remington Report magazine has been the leading resource in the home care industry, championing growth and innovation. It provides real-time solutions to help readers navigate current and future home and healthcare trends with confidence.

As your trusted Strategic Growth and Business Development advisors, we identify untapped growth and business development based on market intelligence, research, and the evolving home care and healthcare market.

We are skilled in working in unsteady, unsettled, complex, and ambiguous environments.


Prepare for the future with our diverse programs, including the Think Tank Strategy Institute, online think tank MasterClasses, insights from the Remington Report magazine, and strategy consulting. Gain the knowledge to confidently navigate the future.

Remington Think Tank Strategy Institute

The Think Tank Strategy Institute provides decision-makers with strategic market intelligence to tap into new growth and business opportunities.

The Institute’s market intelligence and research examines a comprehensive understanding of the intricate market forces and trends driving new growth opportunities, the external and internal changes affecting your referrals to help you build stronger relationships, and new business and clinical opportunities to expand growth and business development.

Our educational programs are offered online to keep you up-to-date and help you to make informed strategic decisions.

The Remington Report Magazine

Remington Report Magazine

In circulation since 1993, the Remington Report stands as the industry’s premier source advocating for growth, innovation, and sustainability for home health, hospice, palliative care, private duty and in-home care providers.

Providing real-time solutions, it empowers readers to navigate the evolving landscapes of home care and healthcare, both in the present and the future.

Guidance for Strategic Planning

Our guidance pinpoints opportunities for strategic growth clarity and business development opportunities.

Unlocking growth and business development opportunities requires a deep understanding of industry trends, evaluating different growth drivers based on healthcare​ and home care market transformations, comprehending the strategic direction of your referral sources, and​ uncovering your direct path to growth.


Our business intelligence resources prepare leaders for the future by predicting where the industry is headed, identifying fresh possibilities, and empowering knowledge to be future-ready.

E-Newsletter: FutureFocus

FutureFocus is an executive resource that helps healthcare leaders see around corners, navigate disruption, build futures, broaden their views of the industry, and embrace change. FutureFocus cuts through the white noise while making sure you are connecting to meet the future of healthcare.

Remington Report

Special Reports

Our complimentary special reports provide leadership with deep insight into current trends and topics impacting their organizations. It’s an insider look at compelling, thought-provoking change impacting the future of the healthcare delivery system. These are must-reads for all leaders.

Remington Report

Access the information you require precisely when it’s needed

Allow us to guide you to crucial information that keeps you ahead of industry changes, harnessing trends and opportunities in home care, and creating a roadmap for an organization ready for the future.