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10 Highest Chronic Conditions in Home Care

Chronic conditions are a major focus of home care services. By recognizing these conditions, home care providers can better tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of each patient, ultimately improving their quality of life.

We analyze the top 10 chronic conditions managed in home care, presenting the percentages for each medical condition. Additionally, we provide an overview of Medicare beneficiaries with chronic conditions across fee-for-service, Medicare Advantage, and Special Needs plans.

In the U.S., 90% of the annual healthcare expenditure of $4.1 trillion is attributed to individuals with chronic and mental health conditions. Below are estimates of the prevalence of various chronic conditions managed in home care based on industry data.

Common Chronic Conditions in Home Care and Their Percentages

  • Hypertension: Around 50%-70% of home care patients manage high blood pressure.
  • Diabetes: Roughly 25%-35% of home care patients require assistance in managing diabetes.
  • Heart Disease (Congestive Heart Failure): About 20%-30% of home care patients deal with heart-related conditions.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): COPD management is seen in about 10%-15% of home care patients.
  • Arthritis and Osteoarthritis: These conditions affect approximately 30%-40% of home care patients, especially older adults.
  • Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease: Around 20%-25% of home care patients live with cognitive decline.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease: Managed in about 10%-15% of home care settings.
  • Stroke Rehabilitation and Neurological Disorders: Covers 10%-20% of patients needing ongoing support.
  • Cancer: Palliative and ongoing care for cancer is part of services for about 10%-20% of patients.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Including depression or anxiety, approximately 15%-20% of home care patients require support for mental health.

How Your Organization Can Dig Deeper Into Its Own Data

A couple of key ways to use this data involve comparing it with your own. How does this data stack up against the patients your organization is managing? If you isolate the data, do you notice higher readmission rates with these medical conditions? Are your clinical programs aligned with the top 10 medical conditions identified?

Macro View of Chronic Conditions By Medical Conditions and Payer Source

Take a look at the comparison of chronic conditions in home care, examining it from a macro level in relation to beneficiaries enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Special Needs Plans.

Below is key data comparing fee-for-service Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Special Needs Plans, demonstrating that the prevalence of many chronic conditions is similar among enrollees in traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, once Special Needs Plans are accounted for.

How To Use Chronic Condition Information by Payer

This information can help guide conversations with Medicare Advantage Plans, facilitate referrals within a value-based payment model, and assist your organization in identifying high-risk patients. Furthermore, it emphasizes how home care can reduce readmissions, lower the cost of care, and enhance patient outcomes.

We Have More Information about High-Risk Readmissions to Share with You


How to Identify High-Risk Patients Pre-Discharge to Minimize Readmissions and Improve Outcomes

Join our master class to gain valuable insights into identifying high-risk patients before discharge. Equip yourself with more than 10 pre-discharge risk prediction tools and screening assessments and learn how to leverage information from patient’s medical records and EHR’s to reduce readmissions and improve outcomes. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a significant impact; very few are aware of this comprehensive information!


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