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ACOs & Health Systems

How ACOs and Health Systems are Navigating Change

This ACO Model is Testing the Future of Home Care and Waivers

Care Continuum: Reports just published prove ACOs are saving Medicare money! The next generation ACO is expanding and testing home care through six new benefits including waivers, expanding the role of the nurse practitioner and piloting a value-based payment. This went into motion July 1. We explain in detail how this impacts home care.

This ACO Model is Testing the Future of Home Care and Waivers2024-07-06T17:49:36-04:00

ACO MarketScan: Payments Shifting Care at Home Volume

March/April 2024 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT ACO MarketScan: What makes it crucial for home care providers to establish connections with ACOs? With more than half of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in accountable care organizations, aiming for 100%, home care providers must craft compelling value propositions and engagement strategies to foster partnerships.

ACO MarketScan: Payments Shifting Care at Home Volume2024-04-27T15:16:56-04:00

Hospital MarketScan: Hospital Outcome and Quality Measures

March/April 2024 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT Hospital MarketScan: A thorough grasp of hospital quality and outcomes proves highly advantageous for home care providers. Establishing and fortifying referral partnerships with hospitals and health systems necessitates a more comprehensive understanding of hospital outcomes and quality measures to enhance relationship building efforts.

Hospital MarketScan: Hospital Outcome and Quality Measures2024-04-27T15:17:03-04:00

Team-Based Care – A 2024 Strategy

January/February 2024 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN: Team-based and multidisciplinary teams underpin the success of value-based care models and hospitals-at-home. Cross-collaborative teams in specialty clinical programs are making their way between hospitals and home care organizations. This is the next level of clinical integration and for stakeholders to better understand home care’s value.

Team-Based Care – A 2024 Strategy2024-03-02T15:59:57-05:00

Synergistic Referral Partnerships Gain Traction

January/February 2024 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN: Referrals are more dependent on home care as partners for financial, quality, and patient experience measures. Shifting payments are changing traditional views of managing a patient’s care journey. Each segment of healthcare will contribute to a synergistic success level. No organization can do it alone.

Synergistic Referral Partnerships Gain Traction2024-03-02T15:59:50-05:00

Social Determinants: Changes Ahead in 2024​

January/February 2024 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN: Screening requirements for social determinants in 2024 are front and center for hospitals, dialysis centers, physicians, and post-acute providers. Coordination across various healthcare settings, including ambulatory, emergency department, inpatient, and home health will create a unified approach.

Social Determinants: Changes Ahead in 2024​2024-03-02T15:59:44-05:00

5 Changes to Social Determinants of Health Quality Measures Across the Continuum 2023

January/February 2023 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT New social determinants of health (SDOH) quality measures will be required by hospitals, health plans, and multi-payer federal and state programs. We provide details on how each healthcare sector will be incorporating SDOH quality measures.

5 Changes to Social Determinants of Health Quality Measures Across the Continuum 20232023-04-12T16:03:48-04:00

Which Types of ACOs Use Home Visits the Most and Why?

November-December 2022 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT Home-based organizations eager to have partnerships with ACOs will learn in our discussion why certain ACOs engage in greater home visits and care transitions to manage complex patients. No two ACOs are alike. Get insights into the characteristics of ACOs and their decision points. We follow up with three key leadership discussion questions.

Which Types of ACOs Use Home Visits the Most and Why?2024-04-15T09:31:35-04:00

Discharge Planning Patterns: Care Transitions and Readmissions

March/April 2022 Issue
FREE CONTENT A recent study examined the patterns of Medicare beneficiaries post-acute care transitions among assisted living residents and their outcomes in the first 30 and 60 days after hospital discharge.

Discharge Planning Patterns: Care Transitions and Readmissions2023-04-12T16:04:06-04:00

Six Smart Ways to Stay in Communication with Your Referral Sources

September/October 2021 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT Your referral partners increasingly expect robust communications to make patient transfers as seamless as possible, for both the patient and providers. They will have to make a choice. Ultimately, they will look for relationships with organizations that are easy to work with and that can deliver proven quality care. We provide insights and strategies from high-performing organizations.

Six Smart Ways to Stay in Communication with Your Referral Sources2023-04-12T16:04:13-04:00

2021 Healthcare Outcomes Go Statewide and Regional

January/February 2021 Issue
A growing number of initiatives are expanding to address social determinants of health. Payers, health systems, community-based organizations, and government entities are partnering together to create statewide efforts to improve community health and social care.

2021 Healthcare Outcomes Go Statewide and Regional2023-04-12T16:04:23-04:00

2020 ACOs Taking on More Risk

The number of ACOs taking on risk for cost increases grew from 93 ACOs at the start of 2019 to 192 at the start of 2020.

2020 ACOs Taking on More Risk2023-04-12T16:04:38-04:00

Montefiore Health System’s Care Management Program

SUBSCRIBER CONTENT Located in the Bronx and Hudson Valley, New York, Montefiore Health System (MHS) serves one of the poorest and most disproportionately disease-burdened counties in the nation with nearly 80% of the payer mix from Medicare and Medicaid.

Montefiore Health System’s Care Management Program2023-04-12T16:04:51-04:00

ACO Investment Model

The ACO Investment Model encourages new ACOs to form in rural areas and Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs to take greater financial risk.

ACO Investment Model2023-04-12T16:04:59-04:00

Medicaid ACO Market Scan

17 states are implementing accountable care strategies in Medicaid or state employee health programs and patterns have begun to emerge.

Medicaid ACO Market Scan2023-04-12T16:04:59-04:00
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