ACO and Home Care Collaborative


Join our visionaries, trailblazers, pioneers, trendsetters, intellectual adventurers, and change-makers.

The ACO and Home Care Collaborative incorporates a dynamic online educational platform in a year-long program to build connections and knowledge sharing.

Included in your membership:

  • One-year membership in the collaborative (includes up to 10 members)
  • 24/7 latest market and trend research
  • 1-year subscription to the Remington Report
  • Exclusive screening tools and protocols
  • Educational reference guides
  • Exclusive access to quarterly Think Tank workshops – Presented live. If unable to attend, view on-demand

The membership fee for the ACO and Home Care Collaborative includes up to 10 people from your organization.


Add Your Enrollees

Additional enrollees will be enabled upon completion of registration. Company email addresses required.

Think Tank programs are open only to provider organizations delivering patient care, including home health care, at-home care, hospice, palliative care, community-based organizations, hospitals, ACOs, managed care organizations, and physicians. Enrollees for the program must be full-time employees of the organization. If you are unsure whether your organization qualifies for Think Tank programs or your organization is a provider that also sells products, services or you are a consultant, then contact us before enrolling.

  • Enrollee #1 Name *

  • Enrollee #1 Title *

  • Enrollee #1 Email *

  • Enrollee #2 Name *

  • Enrollee #2 Title *

  • Enrollee #2 Email *

  • Enrollee #3 Name *

  • Enrollee #3 Title *

  • Enrollee #3 Email *

  • Enrollee #4 Title *

  • Enrollee #4 Name *

  • Enrollee #4 Email *

  • Enrollee #5 Name *

  • Enrollee #5 Title *

  • Enrollee #5 Email *

  • Enrollee #6 Name *

  • Enrollee #6 Title *

  • Enrollee #6 Email *

  • Enrollee #7 Name *

  • Enrollee #7 Title *

  • Enrollee #7 Email *

  • Enrollee #8 Name *

  • Enrollee #8 Title *

  • Enrollee #8 Email *

  • Enrollee #9 Name *

  • Enrollee #9 Title *

  • Enrollee #9 Email *

  • Enrollee #10 Name *

  • Enrollee #10 Title *

  • Enrollee #10 Email *

Product total

Options total

Grand total