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Labor Issues Impacting Healthcare

5 Ways High-Functioning Team-Based Care Reduces Clinician Burnout

Evolving care delivery models emphasize collaboration and leveraging diverse expertise to provide comprehensive and effective patient care. This shift is largely driven by workforce shortages, clinician burnout, and the focus on patient-centered care.

5 Ways High-Functioning Team-Based Care Reduces Clinician Burnout2025-01-18T16:43:26-05:00

5 Ways High-Functioning Team-Based Care Reduces Clinician Burnout

Fostering effective team-based care improves both the patient’s and the team’s experience of care delivery. In this article, we discuss the two different approaches to team-based care, the five core principles, and how to reduce clinician burnout.

5 Ways High-Functioning Team-Based Care Reduces Clinician Burnout2025-01-18T17:02:52-05:00

Workforce: How Will Medicare Fee-For-Service Trends Change the Way You Think About Future Staffing Needs?

September/October 2022 Issue
SUBSCRIBER CONTENT With all the evolving changes occurring in healthcare, you may have missed CMS’s initiatives aligning value-based arrangements across traditional Medicare programs. We discuss the eight trends to help your organization think about the impact on your labor force and referral partners.

Workforce: How Will Medicare Fee-For-Service Trends Change the Way You Think About Future Staffing Needs?2023-04-12T16:03:54-04:00

Staffing Strategies: Efficient Ways to Leverage Scheduling for Improved Staffing Utilization and Increased Continuity of Care

September/October 2022 Issue
SPECIAL REPORT What are the four questions leadership should explore to optimize scheduling with continuity of care and staff utilization? In this special report, we answer these four questions and give you solutions to help provide better care to more patients, while making the most of your staff’s time. This effort starts with their scheduling process.

Staffing Strategies: Efficient Ways to Leverage Scheduling for Improved Staffing Utilization and Increased Continuity of Care2023-04-12T16:03:56-04:00
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