Explore the importance of building lasting and trusting engagements between hospitals, health systems, ACOs, and home and community-based care based on broader knowledge, closer collaborative goals, and a shared commitment to deliver high-value patient-centered care. You'll dive deep into the challenges and opportunities that can benefit each other to achieve the goal of improved outcomes. The broader exchange of knowledge and greater understanding from each perspective opens the door to trying new approaches and new ways of working together. In our three webinars, our discussions focus on:
  • Webinar 1: Trends & market signals transforming hospitals, health systems, and ACOs. What it means for growth and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Webinar 2: Sharing common goals. Alignment of financial and quality to improve patient-centered care and consistency in performance outcomes.
  • Webinar 3: Creating innovation partnerships. Opportunity identification to build relationships on the foundation of trust, close collaboration, and solutions.
Can’t attend live? This program is available on demand until the conclusion of the program. 3-MONTH PROGRAM Registration Open – INCLUDES 3 WEBINARS $1,275 SINGLE FEE INCLUDES UP TO 4 ENROLLEES This is an on-demand program.

Add Your Enrollees

Additional enrollees will be enabled upon completion of initial enrollee. Company email addresses required. Think Tank programs are open only to provider organizations delivering patient care, including home health care, at-home care, hospice, palliative care, community-based organizations, hospitals, ACOs, managed care organizations, and physicians. Enrollees for the program must be full-time employees of the organization. If you are unsure whether your organization qualifies for Think Tank programs or your organization is a provider that also sells products, services or you are a consultant then contact us before enrolling.