Your referral sources are the lifeblood of your organization. Ultimately, they will look for relationships with organizations that are easy to work with and that can deliver proven quality care. A new research report reveals the four frustrations felt by your referral sources. A roundtable of your peers’ weigh-in with solutions. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
A review of payment models under CMS’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) is quietly under review to decide if they will be implemented. Many of these models were popular with care at home providers. We provide insight into each of these payment models. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
The right of patients to choose providers has generated considerable conflict within the provider community. In this article, learn the four key legal sources supporting patient choice and actions your organizations and patients can take to have them enforced. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
The National Institute of Health advance care planning studies are focusing on the effectiveness of telehealth for patients receiving home-based palliative care and leveraging in home support services to engage patients in advance care planning. Learn more about the pilot studies supporting this research. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
Payers, health systems, Private Equity firms, and SPAC’S acquisition of care at home companies are quickly changing market dynamics, and signaling change is ahead. This is a must-read to understand trends and insights reshaping the future. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
New information will help your organization better align clinical services to reduce the cost of the highest medical conditions and their expenditures. The data can be used in conversations with various payer sources to align your organization’s services to reduce the cost of care and readmissions. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.
Expanding continuum of care services is an important strategy for future market positioning. We explore how providers, payers, and physicians are broadening services to expand partnership referrals, create innovation, and ensure sustainability. This article is free to 1-Year Classic and 2-Year Premium subscribers.